Müge Özdemir
HR & Organizational Development Professional experienced mainly in automotive, retail, oil & gas, food & beverage sectors.
Since 2015, as the founder of EzberBozan Training & Consultancy; according to corporate entities’ expectations or organizational gaps, I design and create behavioral trainings such as communication, team work, conflict management and leadership programs. Aiming corporate excellency, I have consulted with over 200 companies by helping their journey to success. In these journeys I create and design training, development programs according to their needs, strategies. And we won many awards like Brandon Hall, Stevie Awards. In addition to training, coaching and mentoring are my other hats.
When I first discovered TIFF and Functional Fluency I said “That’s It”.
My aim: Break the rules in Training, break the rules in attitude & behaviours. This model is a valuable tool in identifying resources for development or the goals for leaders. I can support people to be the best version of themselves. What else may a trainer or mentor desire!
Last but not least when I began using TIFF in my trainings and mentoring sessions, I realized that trainees and mentees became more aware of their own patterns of behaviours. They were able to direct their energy towards being more effective. I was surprised by how quickly they increased their effectiveness.
Make the long story short; in my mentoring sessions and trainings, I really am fascinated by how enlightening TIFF is!
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