
Our Global Network

Functional Fluency International  is proud to have a growing global network of professionals working with Functional Fluency and TIFF© throughout the world. Our network currently consists of:

  • 185 certified Functional Fluency & TIFF© Providers
  • 10 certified Functional Fluency Trainers
  • 8 Functional Fluency Connectors

Spread out over the following countries / regions:

Australia                    Belgium                    United Kingdom
Brazil                          Caribbean
France                        Germany
India                           Netherlands
Poland                        South Africa
Switzerland                Turkey     

To find out more, please visit our People page.

View our global network


Fostering human connections = creating community

Your Personal TIFF Experience

A great way to start getting to know Functional Fluency is through your own personal "TIFF Experience". This process really puts the "personal" back into "personal development".

You can choose a licenced TIFF provider, who you feel you can connect with. This person will provide you with a link to fill in a TIFF questionnaire online in your own time. The result of this will be a snapshot of your patterns of social behaviour. In a collaborative one-on-one feeback session, your TIFF provider will support you in making sense of your behavioural profile and provide guidance for how to use this information.

Try it out and, if you like, let us know what happens next!

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