
Navigating conflict: An embodied approach

Anyone can join!

Join us for an experiential workshop where we explore the intricate dynamics of conflict resolution through the lenses of embodiment and Accounting. We invite you to participate in this engaging session where we will shift our focus from the complexities of our minds to the insightful 'messages' from our bodies, emphasising the 'gut-heart-head' connection.

This interactive gathering embraces bottom-up self-regulation, applying the Functional Fluency model to navigate challenging situations, including potential or emerging conflicts. Together, we aim to discover effective ways to address personal and client-related issues, fostering a holistic and harmonious approach. Through interactive exercises, discussions, and practical techniques, we explore how integrating body awareness enhances our ability to manage challenging situations effectively.

Date: 16 September 2024
Time: 14:00 – 17:30 CET
Location: Online via Zoom

In this 3.5-hour session, Ian Dunnett, a Coach, Mediator and TIFF Provider, and Leona Bishop, a Coach, Trainer and TIFF© Provider, will lead you to discover the transformative potential of 'gut-heart-head embodiment' in navigating conflict through Accounting. Drawing from Ian and Leona’s client experiences, interactive exercises, and engaging discussions, you will gain insights and learn practical ways to enhance your bodily awareness and explore how to combine powerful and effective Functionally Fluent behaviours.

Here’s what you can expect:

  • Understanding Accounting: Introduction to Accounting and its relevance in conflict resolution.
  • Exploring the 'Gut-Heart-Head' Connection: Understanding how these centers interact and influence perception, processing, and response to information and stimuli.
  • Trust, safety, vulnerability and courage: Exploring their roles in an embodied approach to conflict navigation.
  • The role of conflict: Redefining conflict as an opportunity for growth; the positive aspects of conflict.
  • Practicing navigating conflict in an embodied way: Exercises as a starting point for effective, embodied conflict resolution.

Why join us?

  • Gain insight into how to apply ‘Accounting’ in challenging and stressful situations
  • Learn from real-life examples and interactive exercises
  • Network with like-minded professionals interested in personal and professional development through embodied practices.


45 Euros, excl. VAT for Euro countries.  If you are signing up from outside the EURO-zone, the amount will depend on the country you are signing up from. For an overview of the fee per country, please email us here.

This workshop is for free if you are a TIFF© Provider and/or member of the Functional Fluency International network.

For inquiries or further information, don't hesitate to reach out by hitting the below button:

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Secure your spot by completing the registration form (below) now!

If you are not a TIFF© Provider or member of Functional Fluency International, please provide us with the following details as we will issue you with an invoice:

Download our Starter Pack:
