
Mastering the art and skill of 'Accounting'

In the Functional Fluency model, created and developed by Dr. Susannah Temple, the Accounting mode of behaviour plays a crucial role in developing self-awareness and enhancing effective communication and relationships.

By understanding and utilising this mode, individuals can navigate their emotions, thoughts, and behaviours, leading to more productive interactions and relationships.

In this short article, we will delve into the concept of accounting and provide practical tips on how to strengthen this mode within yourself.

Cultivating Self-Awareness: The first step in embracing Accounting behaviour is developing self-awareness. Take time to observe and reflect upon your emotions, thoughts, and reactions in various situations. This introspection allows you to understand the underlying factors that influence your behaviour and communication patterns. Ask yourself questions like, "What am I feeling right now?" or "Why did I react in that particular way?" By examining your own internal landscape, you can gain valuable insights into your communication style and make conscious choices.

Identifying Triggers and Patterns: Pay attention to the triggers that evoke certain emotional or behavioural responses within you. Is there a specific situation, person, or topic that consistently elicits a particular reaction? Identifying these triggers helps you anticipate and manage your responses more effectively. By recognising recurring patterns, you can proactively work on adapting your communication to achieve more desirable outcomes.

Practicing Emotional Regulation: Emotional regulation is an essential aspect of Accounting behaviour. Learn to recognise your emotions as they arise and develop strategies to manage them appropriately. Deep breathing exercises, mindfulness techniques, and taking a moment to pause before responding can help you regulate your emotional reactions. This practice empowers you to choose your words and actions consciously, fostering more constructive and empathetic communication.

Monitoring Non-Verbal Communication: Accounting behaviour involves not only verbal but also non-verbal communication. Pay attention to your body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice, as they can convey subtle messages to others. Practice maintaining an open posture, making eye contact, and using a calm and reassuring tone when communicating. Aligning your non-verbal cues with your intended message enhances clarity and promotes a positive atmosphere.

Reflecting on Communication Outcomes: After engaging in conversations or interactions, take time to reflect on the outcomes and impact of your communication. Consider the effectiveness of your message, the reactions of others, and any potential areas for improvement. This reflection helps you learn from your experiences and adjust your communication style accordingly, strengthening your accounting mode over time.

Using Accounting behaviour is a powerful way to develop self-awareness, effective communication and relationships.

By cultivating self-awareness, identifying triggers, practicing emotional regulation, monitoring non-verbal cues, and reflecting on outcomes, you can enhance your accounting mode and positively impact your interactions. Remember, self-awareness is a continual practice, and mastering the accounting mode requires ongoing commitment and reflection. Embrace this behaviour, and you will unlock a greater level of personal growth and meaningful connections in your communication journey.

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