
10 Signs You Are Not Using Your Energy Effectively: A Path to Enhance Your Wellbeing and Reduce Stress

In our fast-paced and demanding world, effective energy management is crucial for success and well-being. However, many of us unknowingly waste our precious energy, leaving us feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and unfulfilled.
In this blog post, we will delve into ten common signs that indicate ineffective energy usage and explore how we can reduce stress, channel our energy more effectively and help us reshape our lives for the better. Brace yourself for an empowering journey of discovery and transformation!
1. Lack of clarity and focus: When you find it challenging to concentrate on tasks or set clear goals, it is a sign that you are not using your energy effectively.
2. Procrastination: Procrastination is a clear signal that you are not channelling your energy effectively. If you often find yourself delaying important tasks or opting for short-term gratification over long-term goals, it's time to break the cycle.
3, Ineffective communication: Miscommunication, misunderstandings, and conflicts can be exceptionally draining, and completely inefficient. Nobody benefits from a disagreement or from confusion. If you frequently experience such challenges, it may indicate ineffective energy usage in your interactions.
4. Overthinking: Constantly ruminating over past events or worrying excessively about the future consumes significant energy without yielding productive outcomes.
5. Lack of boundaries: Failing to establish healthy boundaries leads to energy leaks, as you spread yourself too thin or allow others to encroach on your time and resources.
6. Perfectionism: Striving for perfection can drain your energy reserves and hinder productivity. If you frequently experience anxiety or spend excessive time fine-tuning every detail, it may indicate ineffective energy usage.
7. Lack of self-care: Neglecting self-care activities such as exercise, proper nutrition, and quality rest can lead to decreased energy levels and increased stress.
8. Resisting change: When you resist change, you may find yourself stuck in unproductive patterns, which drain your energy and hinder personal growth.
9. Lack of delegation: Attempting to do everything yourself can be overwhelming and inefficient, leaving you drained and stressed. If you struggle to delegate tasks and trust others, it's a sign of ineffective energy utilization.
10. Neglecting personal passions: When your energy is consumed primarily by obligations and mundane tasks, neglecting your passions and hobbies can lead to decreased fulfilment and a sense of purposelessness.  

So now we have looked at 10 signs we are not using our energy effectively, but how do we change?

What can we do to ‘fix’ this?. Well, there is no ‘quick fix’ that can solve all of your problems, however most of us are capable of change. We hold the power to break free from these patterns and redirect our energy towards more effective behaviours, we just need to know how to do it! …….
Enter the transformative tool known as "Functional Fluency………..!!
First, a little introduction …. Functional Fluency is a model created and developed by Dr. Susannah Temple. It isn’t a magic wand that will make all your stresses disappear, but it does equip us with the means to change our behaviours and make lasting improvements for the better, helping us to ‘Thrive at Life!’.
Functional Fluency brings us invaluable insights that identify our energy and behavioural patterns, and acts as a tool or ‘roadmap’ to transform any ineffective patterns into effective ones. It is the key to reducing your automatic reactions, and increasing your conscious responses.
The Functional Fluency model is made up of 9 modes of behaviour. The 4 Purple modes (known as Purple pitfalls) are ineffective and automatic reactions without thought or consideration. When we use these ‘purple’ behaviours it usually results in no party benefiting or, more often than not, no party benefiting at all. Moreover, since these behaviours are ineffective, they generate a great deal of unnecessary frustration, anger, and drain a significant amount of our energy.

The five golden modes are all effective forms of behaviour. They are behaviours we choose to use, and when we use these kinds of behaviours to respond to a situation, everyone benefits.
In everyday life we can use Functional Fluency as a compass, guiding us on our personal journeys of growth and development. Think of it as an ‘a la carte’ menu, from which we can choose a behaviour to use so that everyone benefits from the response. The choices we make determine the outcome of the situation.

So, how can we use Functional Fluency to help us improve our wellbeing, reduce stress and gain energy?

We can choose to use one or more of the ‘Golden’ effective behaviours from the model to create a different, more positive, outcome, relieve stress and anxiety and help us ‘Thrive at Life!’;
Accounting: Accounting allows you to observe and evaluate situations objectively, enabling you to break free from overthinking and redirect your energy towards problem-solving and innovation. You can ask yourself “What is really causing the distractions and lack of focus?” “What am I feeling?” “What is really going on?” By becoming more aware of what is really happening around you and on the inside, you are better equipped to evaluate options, regain clarity, make firm decisions and direct your energy towards meaningful endeavours.
Structuring: If you are struggling with procrastination, adopting ‘Structuring’ behaviour can help you to organise and plan ahead. Sometimes, when tasks are overwhelming or difficult we procrastinate, so why not break down complex tasks and create milestones and deadlines? Taking this kind of approach will also give you the opportunity to assess and prioritize tasks realistically, encourage collaboration and delegation of responsibility, allowing you to optimize your energy and achieve a healthy level of excellence. By leveraging the skills and expertise of others, you can free up your energy to focus on higher-value tasks keeping you inspired to reach the end goal.
Nurturing: When we actively listen to others with empathy and without judgement or fear, it promotes trust and provides a safe environment for more open and honest communication. By consciously adopting this mode, you can foster stronger relationships and conserve valuable energy. You can also apply Nurturing to prioritize your needs, ensuring that you practice self-care to replenish your energy reserves and improve your overall well-being, creating a healthier work-life balance.
Cooperative: When we adopt ‘Cooperative’ behaviour we embrace adaptability and openness to change. It allows for clear and open communication, negotiation and conflict resolution. Through the sharing of new experiences and perspectives, you can harness your energy to navigate transitions effectively and achieve personal and professional development. 
Spontaneous: When you invest time and energy in activities that bring you genuine pleasure, you can enhance your overall well-being and tap into a source of renewable energy. Embracing ‘Spontaneous’ behaviour gives your creativity a ‘kick-start’ and brings endless ideas and opportunities and new found zest for life.


Identifying and changing ineffective energy usage patterns to effective ones is essential for leading a more fulfilling and less stressful life. The Functional Fluency model provides a framework to recognize unproductive energy patterns and shift to more effective modes of functioning. By embracing self-awareness, adaptability, and constructive communication, you can optimize your energy and unlock your true potential.
Apply the principles of the Functional Fluency model, and watch as your life transforms into one of enhanced effectiveness and reduced stress.
To find out how you are currently using your energy on effective and ineffective behaviours, please get in touch and we will connect you with a Functional Fluency Provider in your area. For more information please  email us at: info@functionalfluency.com


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