

Confident Coaching: The Power and Facets of Fluency

DATE: October 11, 2022 

As coaches we know how to ask compelling questions to help our clients find the solution to their problems and needs, but sometimes we can also get a bit stuck!
Do you wish you had a tool that quickly identifies where you and your client can tap in and unlock potential?


Functional Fluency can be applied to people development by anyone, anywhere, whether you want to drive positive behavioural change or kickstart transformation in any organisation. Download our free Starter Pack.


In this FREE one-hour webinar Leona Bishop and Layo Seriki show us how the adaptability of the Functional Fluency model acts as the perfect catalyst to discovering the essence of what is preventing progress. It will give you a ‘menu’ of options to pull from, setting both yourself and your client up for success and helping you shift your energy to get back on track and achieve increased results, faster.

If you . . .

  • feel like you are going round in circles in your work with clients and struggle to get to the essence of what is preventing progress
  • struggle to connect with your clients
  • follow the coaching methods and concepts you have learned, rather than following your client
  • have feelings of superiority or inferiority in the coaching relationship
  • feel your client isn’t getting value out of your coaching?

then this webinar is for you!

During this FREE webinar you will:

  • learn about Functional Fluency and how you can use it with your clients.
  • learn about the related personal development tool called TIFF© and see how one session exploring the client’s TIFF© profile can bring you insights you may otherwise only get after many hours of coaching or therapy.
  • have the chance to ask questions and get answers from licensed TIFF© Providers.

Join Leona and Layo and other like-minded coaches for one of three time slots on Tuesday 11th October 2022 and learn how to increase your effectiveness as a coach whilst supporting your clients in becoming more effective, energetic, productive, resilient and happy in their lives and in their work.

Date:           Tuesday 11th October 2022
Timeslots:   09:30 - 10:30 CEST | 15:00 - 16:00 CEST | 18:00 - 19:00 CEST
Length:        1 hour

All the timeslots are now fully booked. If you are interested to attend a webinar like this in the future, please email us here and we will get in touch with more date and time options.