
Functional Fluency floor mat

If you are a member of the Functional Fluency Community and a licenced TIFF Provider, you can get access to our online interactive Functional Fluency room, so you can make use of the virtual Functional Fluency Floor Mat for only € 10,- per year. This tool is a fun and interactive way to get your clients acquainted with the Functional Fluency model and fully experience Functional Fluency in action. 

With this tool you can guide your clients to 'play' out different circumstances and situations so they can discover there strengths and where they might be losing energy. 

You can use this tool  whether you are working 1:1, with groups or delivering a FF training.

You will be able to give access to 'players' via your own account. Once all players are in the interactive FF room the game can begin. The Functional luency Floor Mat consists of a virtual FF model representing the nine modes of behaviour. Players can move the characters in the mat with the trainer's supervision and guidance.

Interested? Order now by filling out the form below. We will then add this product to your personal page which you can access via this website, and you will receive login details to enter the interactive FF room so you can start using your own Functional Fluency Floor Mat  

It is also possible to purchase a real Functional Fluency Floor Mat in various sizes. Please contact your FF Country Connector for more information and to order.

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