Our aim is to make our training programs accessible and affordable for all. We have therefore chosen to adapt all our training fees according to the purchasing power of different regions (currencies). For information about the training fee in your currency, please enter your country of residence and your country’s currency in the fields below
This ICF CCE accredited experiential course spans approximately 2 to 4 months, depending on the training schedule (either four days or eight half days), and can be delivered both in-person and online.
you are a helping professional who guides other people in their personal and professional development
you have undergone a substantial amount of training in the coaching / helping professional field
you have a work context in which you can apply what you have learned.
you have a basic knowledge of Transactional Analysis by which the Functional Fluency model is inspired.*
* Please note! If you have no prior knowledge of Transactional Analysis (TA), we suggest that you participate in our separate ‘Functional Fluency and Co-Creative TA' workshop’ for an additional cost. This workshop helps participants to meet Functional Fluency from the perspective of an important development within TA in the past decade. Participation in this introductory workshop is also desirable and enriching for those who have already taken a TA course and would like to learn more about the connection between Co-Creative TA and Functional Fluency. Click here for more information.
For more information about the TPLT, please click on the Extra information button or download the brochure below.
To view events in Turkish, German, French, or Dutch, please click on the language icon in the top right corner and select your preferred language. This will redirect you to the respective language website.
I did the TPLT because I wanted to be able to use an assessment tool founded in TA theory. The course has improved my confidence in talking about Functional Fluency and broader TA theory in coaching, educational and organisational settings. The buddy group gave great opportunities to practise, share ideas and gain mutual support. The supervision provided was invaluable throughout the process.
Sarah Lowes
Excalibur Development, United Kingdom
Functional Fluency International
If you want to work with behaviours with your clients, the TIFF tool has great rigour and research behind it. Clients ‘get’ the Functional Fluency model and can access its value to their development immediately. It’s visually engaging and stimulates good dialogue. The language is easy to transfer into any setting, especially the workplace. The Functional Fluency International community is also passionate and engaging.
Kate Shaw
Sure Potential Limited, United Kingdom
Functional Fluency International
I particularly appreciated the attentiveness and commitment of the trainers and the supervision was invaluable. The course has helped me look at my own behaviour – when I act effectively and when I lose my energy. I have gained a valuable tool to work with professionally.
* For TPLTs that are delivered on location, an extra fee of €395,- for Euro-countries will be added to cover the cost of the venue, food and beverages.
After a year, the membership will automatically be renewed annually, unless the membership is cancelled 28 days prior to the month in which the membership started.
For more information on Functional Fluency membership click here