
TIFF© Provider Licensing Training

€ 2.100,00
€ 2.541,00 Incl. VAT

For people experienced in guiding others!

The TIFF© Provider Licensing Training (TPLT) is designed to help professionals seeking to enhance their effectiveness with their clients or teams.

This ICF CCE accredited experiential course spans approximately 2 to 4 months, depending on the training schedule (either four days or eight half days), and can be delivered both in-person and online. 

Successful completion of the training will enable you to access the online TIFF© questionnaire for use with your clients. You will also learn how to use a coaching approach to explain their profile to them in a subsequent feedback session.

By completing the TIFF© Provider Licensing Training you will gain a thorough understanding of the award-winning self development tool, TIFF© – Temple Index of Functional Fluency – and its research base.

All participants also receive a one year FFI Standard Membership when they qualify. For more information on FFI Membership please click here.

ICF (International Coaching Federation) accreditation

ICF members can earn 40 Continuing Coach Education (CCE) units upon completing the TPLT: 

  • Core Competencies: 23
  • Resource Development: 17

Training Program requirements

You are eligible for the TIFF© Provider Licensing Training if:

  • you are a helping professional who guides other people in their personal and professional development
  • you have undergone a substantial amount of training in the coaching / helping professional field
  • you have a work context in which you can apply what you have learned.

  • you have a basic knowledge of Transactional Analysis by which the Functional Fluency model is inspired.*

* Please note! If you have no prior knowledge of Transactional Analysis (TA), we suggest that you participate in our separate ‘Functional Fluency and Co-Creative TA' workshop’ for an additional cost. This workshop helps participants to meet Functional Fluency from the perspective of an important development within TA in the past decade. Participation in this introductory workshop is also desirable and enriching for those who have already taken a TA course and would like to learn more about the connection between Co-Creative TA and Functional Fluency. Click here for more information.

For more information about the TPLT, please click on the Extra information button or download the brochure below.

To view events in Turkish, German, French, or Dutch, please click on the language icon in the top right corner and select your preferred language. This will redirect you to the respective language website.

Starting dates of the TIFF© Provider Licencing Training in various languages 2025:

  • March 28, 2025: Online TPLT (French): Valerie Cionca. For more details, click here.
  • April 4, 2025: Online TPLT (English): Valerie Fawcett and Rona Rowe. For more details, click here.
  • April 22, 2025: Online Balkan region TPLT (Serbian). For more details, click here.
  • May 27, 2025: Online TPLT (English). Trainer: Beatrijs Dijkman. For more details, click here.
  • June 21, 2025: Hybrid India TPLT (English). Trainers: Dr. Mahesh Deshmukh and Dr. Vickram Sahai. For more details, click here.
  • September 18, 2025: Online TPLT (English). Trainer: Beatrijs Dijkman. For more details, click here.

If you would like to register, please first select the starting date of the TPLT you would like to join below.

Register Extra information

Transformation stories

I did the TPLT because I wanted to be able to use an assessment tool founded in TA theory. The course has improved my confidence in talking about Functional Fluency and broader TA theory in coaching, educational and organisational settings. The buddy group gave great opportunities to practise, share ideas and gain mutual support. The supervision provided was invaluable throughout the process.


Sarah Lowes

Excalibur Development, United Kingdom

If you want to work with behaviours with your clients, the TIFF tool has great rigour and research behind it. Clients ‘get’ the Functional Fluency model and can access its value to their development immediately. It’s visually engaging and stimulates good dialogue. The language is easy to transfer into any setting, especially the workplace. The Functional Fluency International community is also passionate and engaging. 

Kate Shaw

Sure Potential Limited, United Kingdom

I particularly appreciated the attentiveness and commitment of the trainers and the supervision was invaluable. The course has helped me look at my own behaviour – when I act effectively and when I lose my energy. I have gained a valuable tool to work with professionally.

Agnieszka Woś-Szymanowska

Business Consultant, Poland


Beatrijs Dijkman

MSc Developmental TA, PTSTA-E, TIFF provider, TPLT trainer and get on the mat facilitator.

Extra information

The training is run by a certified TPLT-trainer. After registering, you will receive an invitation for an intake interview with the trainer.


The investment for this online TIFF© Provider licencing training is € 2.100,- * excluding VAT for Euro-countries. To find out what the price is in your currency, please select the Euro icon at the top of the website page on the right in the menu bar . Your investment  includes your own TIFF© profile, three TIFF© questionnaires that will be used during the training  with practice clients, two supervision sessions and a one-year standard membership of the Functional Fluency Network.

* For TPLTs that are delivered on location, an extra fee of €395,- for Euro-countries will be added to cover the cost of the venue, food and beverages.

Membership and ongoing support

When you successfully complete the training you will be licensed to use the TIFF© tool within your profession. You will also automatically receive a one-year Standard Membership of the international Functional Fluency network.  As a Provider and member you will have access to Functional Fluency International platform and your personal page with content to further support you in the use of Functional Fluency and TIFF©.

After a year, the membership will automatically be renewed annually, unless the membership is cancelled 28 days prior to the month in which the membership started.

For more information on Functional Fluency membership click here


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